REM - scheduled programmes for AOT-50

Observation programmed for period Oct 2024 - Mar 2025.

This list includes guaranteed time programmes and those submitted to INAF-TAC and successfully approved.
We list here with number 507xx the programmes approved by Chilean CNTAC and with number 508xx the ORP programmes approved by CTAC.
PI can contact REM Team ( before semester starts if she/he needs particular procedures and will be warned when observations will be performed.

Programmes are listed in descending order of TAC evaluation, from wonderful down to sufficient. Italian, Chilean TAC and ORP evaluations are not correlated.

IDTitlePI NameInstituteAllocationLT *
50014Prompt emission and early afterglows of gamma-ray burstM. FerroINAF-OA Brera100100
50022A multiwavelength view of the evolving jet in black hole transientsP. CasellaINAF-OA Roma37.837.8
50011Monitoring of X-ray Binaries in outburst with REMC. BaglioINAF-OA Brera1515
50009REM contribution to the worldwide search for an electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave triggerS. CampanaINAF-OA Brera55
50029Exploiting the multi-wavelength imaging capabilities of REM to study very nearby supernovaeL. IzzoINAF-OA Capodimonte3535
50041Interacting transients as a key to decode the mysteries of stellar evolutionG. ValerinINAF OA Padova30301st
50038Photometric monitoring of Type II Cepheid variables with spectroscopic metallicities from Gaia-RVST. SicignanoINAF-OA Capodimonte100100
50037Follow up of extragalactic transients from new high-energy and optical facilitiesS. CampanaINAF-OA Brera1010
50053A comprehensive study of the accretion rate and extinction evolution in young eruptive starsE. FiorellinoINAF-OA Capodimonte14.8514.85
50027Near Infrared follow-up of newly discovered Classical CepheidsV. RipepiINAF-OA Capodimonte3003001st
50002REM monitoring of the Be/X-ray transient 1A 0538-66L. DucciIAA University of Tuebingen2942
50006Monitoring BL Lac objects with unknown redshiftF. D'AmmandoINAF-IRA Bologna3232
50012J0133-0810: an intriguing Changing look AGN at high redshiftM. ScialpiUniversità degli Studi di Firenze1.71.7
50787Visible and near-IR photometric monitoring of the LMC red supergiant WOH G64 with REMK. OhnakaUniversidad Andrés Bello22
50712Photometric follow-up of Gaia microlensing eventsR. MendezUniversidad de Chile2424
50786Optical/NIR photometry of nearby supernovaeL. WangUniversidad de Chile3030
50735Photometric and spectroscopic Follow-up of transients from the Observatorio Mancomunado de Astrofísica Transient Spectroscopic Survey (OMATSS)E. HueichapanDiego Portales University5656
50801**Exploring Venus: a first "subsurface-to-space" snapshotJ. GreavesCardiff University55
50821Time-resolved protoplanetary disk physics in DQ TauA. KospalKonkoly Observatory12.512.5
50843Determination of physical models of the smalest near-Earth asteroids from one flyby - part IIP. KolenczukAdam Mickiewicz University1616
50842How polarization of luminous red novae ejecta changes with dust formationN. BlagorodnovaUniversitat de Barcelona1313
50818Probing the inner structure of young stellar disks with spectrophotometric+interferometric observationsS. KrausUniversity of Exeter2727
50823Galactic Black Holes from Gaia astrometry and time-domain photometryM. GromadzkiUniversity of Warsaw3030
Long Term programmes: in this column is shown the running semester number.
** ORP Multi-facility Optical and Radio.

For older semesters please have a look at THIS PAGE.